Sigma Alpha History
Sigma Alpha is a professional agricultural sorority that promotes scholarship, leadership, service, and fellowship among its members. The sorority was founded in 1978 at the Ohio State University by five women who wanted an alternative to the social Greek sorority system.
Since then, Sigma Alpha has impacted over 20,000 members nationwide working to create a professional network of women with the common bond of agriculture.
Learn more about Sigma Alpha National Sorority by visiting their website:
The objective of Sigma Alpha shall be to promote its members in all facets of agriculture and to strengthen the bonds of friendship among them. It is the purpose of the members to strive for achievement in scholarship, leadership, and service, and to further the development of excellence in women pursuing careers in agriculture.
Our Pillars
The Gamma Beta Chapter embodies Sigma Alpha's objective and purpose through our four pillars: Scholarship, Leadership, Fellowship, and Service.
The Gamma Beta Chapter's first priority for its members is the importance of scholarship. All members must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.5. Through different internal incentive programs, members are encouraged and rewarded for striving for greatness in their academics. Additionally, officers in the chapter reserve study rooms on campus for all members to utilize in the weeks before semester finals. During finals week, the chapter refrains from holding events so members' academics can receive the attention they deserve.
In addition to hosting internal events for our sisters that promote leadership and professional development, Sigma Alpha sisters are involved and connected with many other organizations Montana State University has to offer such as Collegiate Stockgrowers, Collegiate FFA, ASMSU, MSU Admissions Advocats, Country Dance Club, IHSA Team, College of Agriculture Ambassadors, Jabs Young Women in Business and many more.
Fellowship events for the Gamma Beta chapter encourage members to make connections within the chapter and within the MSU community. Chapter sisterhoods provide all sisters with the opportunity to create deeper bonds with one another. Through chapter fellowship events, Sigma Alpha sisters are encouraged to make connections with other fraternities, sororities, and organizations on campus.
Sigma Alpha Sorority encourages chapters to participate in their national philanthropy, Agriculture in the Community. The Gamma Beta chapter serves its community in a variety of service and education initiatives such as assisting in community gardens, helping at farmer's markets, and volunteering at Montana 4-H and Montana FFA events.
Alumnae Involvement
To help further develop a professional alumnae network, the chapter hosts an Alumnae Banquet each fall and invites alumnae to the Emerald Ball each spring. The Alumane Banquet allows active members to connect with alumna and the Emerald Ball allows alumnae to support the active members and their achievements.
Local Philanthropy
Through hosting events like Sigma Alpha Stud and Sigma Alpha Cookoff, our chapter works with other fraternities and sororities on campus to raise money to support and connect with local nonprofits.
Looking to get involved or connect with us? Contact publicrelations@sigmaalphamsu.org.
Chapter Newsletter
Chapter officers collaborate to write a biannual newsletter to share with the Sigma Alpha network.
Check out our most recent addition!